How to Discover Your Purpose in Life
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Life Purpose and Search of Happiness |
Does it seem like your life consists of just "going with the tide" - and that you have no particular destination?
Do you sometimes look at your life and ask, "Is this all there is?"
Does the pursuit of material things sometimes seem meaningless to you? Do you often feel as though life is passing you by?
Have you been trying to live up to everyone else's expectations while your own plans and dreams go unfulfilled?
If you answered "Yes" to any or all of the above questions, you're not alone. It's so easy for any of us to get "caught up" in life that we forget how to truly live.
If you answered "Yes" to any or all of the above questions, you're not alone. It's so easy for any of us to get "caught up" in life that we forget how to truly live.
There's more wisdom than meets the eye in John Lennon's famous saying: "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.”
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Frankly, life is too short for us to waste most of it on the acquisition of material things, in trying to impress people we care little about, and on things that will have little or no value to us when we look back on our lives during our golden years.
A way to discover and accomplish your life's purpose is through the use of affirmations. Your life's purpose may be defined as your personal mission, or your spiritual path, or the cause for which you live, or how you plan to make a difference, or what you want to leave behind after you're gone - or anything that's truly important to you.
Choose the affirmations that feel appropriate to you. Feel free to create an affirmation that's suitable to you by asking yourself these questions:
"What do I want? And how will you know when I get it?"
Those questions will put you on the right track to crafting life purpose affirmations that strike an emotional chord in you, or at least enable you to substitute words in any of the above affirmations with words that have special meaning to you.
Where is Your Happiness? Past, Present, or Future?
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Where is Your Happiness? Past, Present, or Future? |
Achieving a level of personal happiness previously unknown is much closer than you think. But first, it’s important to stay in touch with the present.
“Stay in touch with the present? I’m thinking…I’m already in the present!”
Well, certainly we all are in the present, since there is nowhere else to be, but that doesn’t mean our thoughts are in the present. And therein lay the challenges to our own personal happiness.
We as humans, are the rarest of all species in that not only can we think, but we can think about our thinking.
And you can use this process of being aware of your self-thoughts to help you achieve contentment. It’s important for you to challenge what you see and believe.
This insures that your view of the world matches reality. So often what we believe is the truth, is nothing more than glimpses of the past, present, and future.
We often take only the bad from the past, quickly breeze through the present, and falsely make up the future. The result is frequently guilt about your imperfect past, anxiety about a future that doesn’t exist, and impatience with the Now.
But it is the Now which can help us to live our lives today, fully alive, happy and content.
Rarely do we allow ourselves the opportunity to enjoy the moment. But the moment is the only reality we know. It is exactly the way it should be and it cannot be anything more than that.
But we repeatedly make it out to be different.
And by doing so, we have lost the opportunity to fully experience the rain, the children playing, the learning to be achieved by listening to the world seen through a grandparent’s eyes, or a friend sharing one of his or her own moments.
Too often we are too caught up in what will happen, or what has happened, to experience what IS happening.
This is not to say that planning for the future is unimportant, or that reminiscing is not useful and enjoyable in itself. But unfortunately, too often we become entangled in a future that has not happened and become stifled by our predictions.
We run from the sabre tooth tiger that no longer exists in our modern day world.
The tiger has been replaced with confronting a friend, giving a speech, driving over a bridge, or feeling discomfort from changing a habit. We create absolute horror from an uncertain future that we make real in the moment.
Staying in the moment awards you the opportunity to see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.
It allows you to observe the truth, to look at real data, not information couched in fears and anxiety.
And it is this truth, which will allow you to enjoy yourself, others, and the world around you. Because, it is exactly as it should be. You can manage any life event that presents itself.
Because everyone does. You can choose to do it with pain or without pain. The evidence for these statements is present in the moment.
Your Past and Present is the Key to Your Future
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Your Past and Present is the Key to Your Future |
Knowing more about who you are will give you the insight for your future goals. Where are you going?
This isn't about location...It's about focus and achievement in your life. Pretty big stuff, but not so big you can't get your hands around it and get down to the basics so you can achieve your life's goals.
Did you accomplish what you set out to do last month?
Or did you even have an idea of what you wanted to accomplish?
If not, did you play the blame game?
Was it the economy again?
Or the competition you face?
Or did your boss change the rules again?
If you have read anything about goals, principled leadership or even goal setting from an achievement perspective you realize that every one of us allows something to get in the way.
Its part of that negative, sceptical thought pattern engrained inside of us.
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You just naturally create barriers. But there is good news--Barriers are meant to be jumped over!
Don’t despair - I like to remember that Thomas Edison often referred to the 10,000 possibilities that failed to make an electric light bulb.
Failure is only the teacher for success.
When you realize what they are you can move on to more success.
A way to do that is to focus on your past and your present, and use it to inform your future. First we’ll look at your past - All that great, terrible, wonderful, unique experiences in your life that makes you who you are. If you look back in your life I'll bet you remember those pivotal experiences in life that were surprises not looked for as well as those experiences you wanted to happen and then found not as rewarding as you anticipated.
Disappointment is just as important a teacher as success and self-awareness. Any time you find out what gives you a sense of worth and value that experience is worth whatever it costs you.
About your present -
Is it what you expected?
Are you happy, fulfilled and motivated?
Or are you blaming someone else for the failures in your life?
Do you even know why you don't feel fulfilled, motivated or happy or sad or upset?
A lot of us are not even aware what causes these feelings.
The point is, never quit looking, asking questions, reading and studying.
If you quit being curious about what is going around you when you left high school or college then you have missed most of what living is all about.
Those two venues were only there to prepare you for a lifetime of discovery and adventure.
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Success requires lots of diligent thinking, hard work and perseverance. If someone told you it would be easy, they told you a lie. If they told you it would be the greatest thing you ever lived, they told you the truth.
Your future is the jar full of dreams, possibility and glory. It is the stuff that drives anyone to achieve anything. Success is born out of a lot of practice, study, and focused effort over many years.
These all program our minds to recognize those moments of serendipity and discovery for us. All this means having a central point of principle which drives us to measure all our actions in light of our central desires. It often means taking risk for our actions.
If you say at this point
"you just don't understand my situation. It just isn't possible right now to..."
You are afraid to risk what you have now in order to get what you really want in the future. You think it is more important to hold on to what you have now, than to reach for a life-time dream.
You haven't really assessed what you really have to have and what you can give up. You haven't determined where your centre principles are and how you are going to change your own actions to realize that dream.
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Combine the past, present and future into the image of what you want to become. Your brain was made wonderfully to allow you to grow into who you want to become.
The sad fact is many of us grew into what someone told us to be and never listened to the still voice inside that said we "will become" the "can be."
Now it's up to you.
Educate yourself about your interests, be your best every time.
Develop an inner discipline and find your central principles that drive you.
Then you will have the dream you dreamed so long ago.
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